Roadway Maintenance Workers Training Resource Guide
This training guide includes workshops, online courses, certification programs, and more designed to help Minnesota's roadway maintenance workers improve their skills and advance their careers. Browse the categories below for a current list of training resources in each topic area.
Backhoe and Excavator
Regularly Scheduled Workshops
- Heavy Metal Academy, Heavy Metal Learning/NCCER
One-week courses on specific equipment or three-week comprehensive courses are available. - International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49 Training Center
Offers regularly scheduled training opportunities to members and limited seasonal training for public-sector employees. Apprentices are prioritized.
Certifications and Diplomas
- Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance Diploma, Central Lakes College
- Heavy Construction Equipment Technology Program, Dakota County Technical College
Students can choose to earn a certificate, diploma, or A.A.S. degree. - 8-Hour Excavation Certificate, South Central College
Skid-Steer Loader
Workshop by Request
- Skid-Steer Operation, South Central College
- Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance Diploma, Central Lakes College
Motor Grader
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
- Motor Grader Operator Training, MnLTAP
Online Course
- FHWA Motor Grader Operator Online Course, MnLTAP (free)
Asphalt and Concrete
Regularly Scheduled Workshops
- Asphalt Pavement Rehabilitation: Products, Processes, and Strategies, MnLTAP
- Pavement Preservation for HMA Pavements: Crack Sealing, Chip Sealing, and Microsurfacing, MnLTAP
- Extending Pavement Life through Pavement Preservation Techniques, Strategies, and Preventative Maintenance, MnLTAP
- Current Practices for Lightly Surfaced Roads, MnLTAP (recorded session also available)
- Concrete Pavement Preservation for Local Streets and Roads, MnLTAP
Online Courses
- Fundamentals of Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS), MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Asphalt Materials and Paving Mixtures, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Aggregate Production Tester, MnDOT/Lake Superior College
- Bituminous Plant Tester or Mix Designer, MnDOT/Lake Superior College
- Concrete Field Tester or Inspector, MnDOT/Lake Superior College
Workshop by Request
Gravel Roads
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
Online Courses
- Gravel Road Maintenance and Design, MnLTAP (free)
- Gravel Road Construction and Maintenance, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Condition Assessment of Gravel Roads, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Strategies for Effective Management of Gravel Roads, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
Asset Management
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
- Introduction to Transportation Asset Management, National Highway Institute
- SCRC Perspective On: Pavement Asset Management, APWA (member login required)
Online Course
- Soils and Foundations, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Grading and Base Testing and Inspection, MnDOT/Lake Superior College
Inspection and Maintenance
Regularly Scheduled Workshops
- Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, National Highway Institute
- Bridge Safety Inspection Refresher Training, MnDOT/Lake Superior College
Online Courses
- Bridge Maintenance, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Introduction to Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, National Highway Institute (free)
- Prerequisite Assessment for Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, National Highway Institute (free)
- Bridge Construction Inspector, MnDOT/Lake Superior College
Work-Zone Safety and Traffic Control
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
Online Courses and Webinars
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
Online Course
Culvert Management and Maintenance
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
Online Courses
- Culvert Installation and Maintenance for Local Agencies Online Course, MnLTAP (free)
- Installation and Management of Roadside Turfgrasses Online Course, U of M Extension Turfgrass Science
- Pipe Installation and Maintenance Online Course, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
Vegetation Management and Forestry
Workshops by Request
- Roadside Vegetation Management, MnLTAP
- Chainsaw Safety Training, Anoka Technical College
Online Courses
- Elevation and Grade Instruments and Use Online Course, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
- Installation and Maintenance of Erosion Control Devices Online Course, MnLTAP/FHWA (free)
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
- Clean Sweep Program, University of Minnesota Water Resources Center
Online Course
- Maintenance Stormwater Online Course, AASHTO (free)
- Erosion and Stormwater Management Certification Program, University of Minnesota College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
Snow Plow Operations
Regularly Scheduled Workshop
Training Modules and Videos
- Clear Roads Training Modules and Videos (free; some require agency request)
Snow and Ice Control
Certifications and Apprenticeships
- Public Works Certificate Program, APWA-MN
- Street, Utility, and Park Maintenance Technician, Hennepin Technical College
- ATTSA Safety Certifications: Flagger, Guardrail Installer, Pavement Marking Technician, Traffic Control Design Specialist, Traffic Control Supervisor, Traffic Control Technician, Traffic Sign Technician, Truck-Mounted Attenuator Operator
- Roadway Maintenance Technician Apprenticeship, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Association and Partner Training
AASHTO offers a variety of technical training courses related to construction, materials, maintenance, pavement preservation, traffic and safety, winter operations, and more.
National Highway Institute
NHI offers instructor-led training and online courses on topics including pavement, structures, construction and maintenance, and highway safety.
Federal Highway Administration Center for Local Aid Support
The Center for Local Aid Support's online training modules cover topics including pavement, erosion control, gravel roads, and more.