Local Operational Research Assistance Program (OPERA)

Watch more OPERA videos in our YouTube playlist

Do you have an idea for a quick fix or homemade gadget that would make your job safer and more efficient? Or maybe it’s a more complicated solution that would make a big difference at your agency—if only you had the budget to get it done.

If so, the Minnesota Local Road Research Board's Local Operational Research Assistance Program is for you. With Local OPERA, you can share your ideas with other agencies and road crews and get the funding you need to bring your ideas to life.

OPERA's purpose is to:

  • Fund and share innovations in operations, construction, and maintenance relating to methods, materials, and equipment.
  • Encourage a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation network.

Apply for Funding

OPERA funds projects up to $20,000 through a request-for-proposal process. Proposed projects should focus on the timely development of relevant ideas or methods that improve transportation or maintenance operations.

OPERA funding is now available. Proposals will be considered as they are received, so early submissions are encouraged.

Project examples, eligibility requirements, and submission instructions are available on the funding page.

Apply for funding

Completed Projects

Check out fact sheets, videos, and reports highlighting completed OPERA projects

Annual Report Archives

View past Local OPERA Program annual reports, produced from 2005–2014. 


With questions, contact Katherine Stanley at mnltap@umn.edu or 612-626-1077.