This online course was created to provide a concise, cohesive set of sign maintenance and management materials to employees of cities, counties, and municipalities. The development of this course stemmed from the realization that no consistent sign training is available locally and that many key maintenance staff are retiring without transferring their knowledge to younger staff.
This course will help maintenance staff better understand sign materials, placement, installation, and retroreflectivity, as well as general maintenance and management practices. In addition, students will learn how to use and navigate the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MN MUTCD) and understand new federal requirements related to sign maintenance and management.
- Register
- Cost: Free!
- Registration contact: mnltap@umn.edu
Course Lessons
- General overview
- Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
- Sign policy
- Sign materials
- Safety
- Sign placement
- Sign installation
- Sign retroreflectivity
- Sign maintenance and management
- Addressing and street name signs
Who Should Take This Course
Staff responsible for sign maintenance and management in cities, counties, and municipalities are encouraged to take this course.
Accessing the Course
This training is offered via the course management system Canvas. Upon completing your online registration, you will receive an email confirmation. To access the course, please visit Canvas and login with your University of Minnesota internet ID and password. Once you have been enrolled, your course will appear on your Canvas dashboard.
If for any reason you do not have access to the course after enrolling, please contact mnltap@umn.edu for assistance.
Technical Requirements
Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer work best for this course.
If you’re new to Canvas, see tips and resources for using the platform.
- Students will earn 1.0 Roads Scholar Program Maintenance Certificate credit and 1 Continuing Education Credit.
- To the best of our knowledge, this course meets the continuing education requirements for 8.0 PDHs as outlined in Minnesota Statute 326.107. More information concerning continuing education for professionals is available on the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID website.
This course is a collaboration of Minnesota LTAP, the Minnesota Local Road Research Board, the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, SRF Consulting Group, CH2MHILL, and city and county agencies.