FHWA Technical Online Courses for Local and Tribal Agencies

Close up of paved road surface

These FHWA online courses are designed for a variety of professionals working within local agencies and tribal governments, focused on those who are responsible for geotechnical work, pavement and design engineering, and materials engineering. 

Course Descriptions and Registration

You can take any of the three courses or all of them, in whichever order you prefer. All courses are free. 

Expand the sections below to see detailed information and register for each course.

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Soils and Foundations

Course Description

The origin of rocks and soil—and how the processes that formed them may influence their engineering properties—is critical to understand, since you use that information to make design and construction decisions on your transportation projects. This course will cover basic information on soils and foundations with a focus on geotechnical issues in the real world.

Who Should Take This Course

Primarily professionally certified engineers with a great deal of prior knowledge and expertise. It is also intended for professionals in a variety of positions within local agencies and tribal governments, with an emphasis on the role of the materials engineer, as well as those providing input and information in support of geotechnical work.


3.0 PDHs.


Fundamentals of Targeted Overlay Pavement Solutions (TOPS)

Course Description

Targeted overlay pavement solutions (TOPS) integrate innovative asphalt and concrete overlay procedures into practices that can improve performance, lessen traffic impacts, and reduce the cost of pavement ownership. This course will provide an introduction to TOPS—including mix types and applications, construction and inspection, and quality control and best practices.

Who Should Take This Course

Professionals in a variety of positions within local agencies and tribal governments, focused on those in pavement and materials engineering, design engineering, and supervisory roles, as well as those providing input and information in support of agency decision makers, such as consultant engineers.


3.0 PDHs.


Asphalt Materials and Paving Mixtures

Course Description

The correct asphalt mixture can provide several benefits for a road, including resistance to permanent deformation, durability, and good surface texture. This course will review the characteristics and engineering properties of asphalt mixtures when utilized in highway applications, as well as overall mix design concepts and how construction operations can affect the ultimate performance of asphalt mixture pavements.

Who Should Take This Course

Professionals in a variety of positions within local agencies and tribal governments, with an emphasis on the role of the materials engineer, as well as anyone involved in the mix design, placement, or rehabilitation of asphalt pavement.


4.5 PDHs.


Accessing the Courses

This training is offered via the course management system Canvas. Upon completing your online registration for each course, you will receive an email confirmation. To access the courses, please visit Canvas and log in with your University of Minnesota internet ID and password. Once you have been enrolled, the courses will appear on your Canvas dashboard.

If for any reason you do not have access to the courses after enrolling, please contact Katherine Stanley at sell0146@umn.edu for assistance.

Technical Requirements

Because it's built using web standards, Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer work best for these courses.


  • To earn the Roads Scholar Program Maintenance Certificate credit, students are required to send a copy of the course completion certificate to mnltap@umn.edu.
  • For more information on PDHs and the continuing education requirements for professionals as outlined in Minnesota Statute 326.107, see the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID website.

More Information

For more information, please contact mnltap@umn.edu.


These courses are sponsored by Minnesota LTAP at the University of Minnesota. Minnesota LTAP is sponsored by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Course curriculum was developed and compiled by the FHWA Center for Local Aid Support in conjunction with a technical advisory panel of experts including representatives from local agencies and state DOTs.