From the Director: LTAP on-site training—We make house calls!

Attendees in orange safety vests at an LTAP training

The cornerstone of MnLTAP is, of course, our training program. Each year, we offer dozens of in-person and virtual events for thousands of transportation professionals at locations across the state. We were proud this last year to graduate nearly 50 Roads Scholars from local agencies through that program (check out a newly minted scholar’s profile). Now, we’re proud to have relaunched our on-site training program.

Across Minnesota—from Ada to Zumbrota—our trainers will come to you and your team with the latest custom trainings for local agencies that include:

You’re not limited to these topics, though—request a session of any MnLTAP workshop listed in our training catalog. We can work together to tailor workshops to meet your needs on other topics, too. Sessions are informal and hands-on, and we can provide them anywhere the host agency can offer with enough space for displays and demos (often these are at maintenance facilities). 

Training is affordable, starting at just $300 for a two- to four-hour workshop. Full-day sessions are also available. We like to extend the training to as many folks as possible, so, ideally, we’ll have 25 or 30 participants in a training, but can go up to 40 or so (feel free to team up with neighboring agencies!). As another option, we can provide more targeted training with as few as 8 or 10 attendees. Most workshops are available for Roads Scholar credit.

Want more info? Check out our on-site training page or please email us at

Thanks to our partners at the Minnesota Local Road Research Board and Federal Highway Administration for making MnLTAP on-site training possible.