How do Roads Scholars get their start, and what inspires them to go the extra mile? MnLTAP is pleased to share the journeys of recent graduates. This month, we meet Ethan Bunke, a maintenance worker with the City of Apple Valley. He earned a Maintenance Operations and Technical Certificate.
How did you get interested in public works?
After being unemployed for a while, I started working for Saint Paul in the parks department. I then studied and got my CDL, which opened up an opportunity to move to the streets department. It interested me with a greater range of job responsibilities.
How does the Roads Scholar certificate help you in your current job and career plans?
It broadens my knowledge and skills, opening up more opportunities for advancement—I’m always looking for ways to improve my value to my city.
What’s a typical day like?
Typical?! It changes from day to day! Some days, I’m slinging asphalt; some days, trimming or taking down trees; other days, I’m sweeping—the variety keeps me on my toes!
What can other people learn from your path?
No matter what your circumstance, you can do better.
What makes you feel proud at the end of the day?
Knowing I’ve served my community in some way.
How has your job changed over the years?
I moved from a larger city to a smaller one, which meant I took on new tasks that were handled by different departments in the larger one—challenges I think I rose to.
Any funny or surprising incidents while working at a site or talking to citizens?
Lots of angry drivers when flagging for paving operations! Some choice comments include “Is the city gonna pay me for the extra gas I’m burning?” and “I don’t give a [expletive]” before speeding off through freshly laid oil.
What’s one thing you would like the public to understand about your job and public works?
We are trying to do our best to get the job done.
What’s the longest road trip you’ve ever taken, and where did you go?
I drove out to Oregon to visit friends.
What do you do for hobbies/fun?
I enjoy coin collecting, book reading, and other geeky activities.