Core Temporary Traffic Control

Work-zone flagger holding up a "slow" sign to a passing semi truck

Request a Session

This on-site workshop is offered only by agency request. To arrange a training session, please complete the online request form.

Learn more about MnLTAP on-site training, including fees, workshop size, and hosting agency responsibilities.

About the Workshop

This training will build off the principles presented in the Introduction to the Minnesota Temporary Traffic Control Field Manual for Highway Workers Webinar Series, engaging students though group discussions and exercises that pertain to their daily work and traffic control needs. Our instructors can also tailor the workshop specifically for your agency's policies and procedures. 

Do you need work-zone flagger training? We have that, too! Just fill out the training request form and our staff will be in touch to discuss your needs. 

Who Should Attend

County or city maintenance staff or staff who have responsibility for managing work-zone safety. 



This workshop is presented by Minnesota LTAP at the Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota. Minnesota LTAP is sponsored by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This course is subsidized through funding from LRRB and FHWA.