Roads Scholars: Meet Anthony Anderson

Anthony Anderson standing with his family in front of a lake
Anthony Anderson and his family 

How do Roads Scholars get their start, and what inspires them to go the extra mile? MnLTAP is pleased to share the journeys of recent graduates. In this issue we meet Anthony Anderson, who works in the Public Works – Streets Department in New Prague. He earned a Maintenance Operations and Technical Certificate and also completed the Leadership, Supervisory, and Operations Management Certificate

How did you get interested in working in public works?

I have always enjoyed working in my community, [and] being home every day—working where I live has been great.

How does the Roads Scholar certificate help you in your current job and career plans?

Going through all the courses and classes allows me to have a greater understanding of the work that is being done locally and why.

What’s a typical day like?

New Prague has a smaller public works group than most metro cities, [so] our streets department is tasked with everything from facility maintenance to potholing.

What is your favorite accomplishment?

I don't have one favorite accomplishment that I can pinpoint right now. Being a part of my community through change, which can be difficult for some, and seeing the outcome of a safer road with newly installed lighting/sidewalk, pedestrian signage or lights, or a safer walking trail that recently had diseased trees removed. 

What can other people learn from your path?

Consider taking the Roads Scholar and LTAP courses—continuous education can be fun and beneficial if you allow it.

What makes you feel proud at the end of the day?

Having an open mind to do what is asked of me daily, [and] understanding what needs to be done and how to safely do the job(s) tasked.

Any funny or surprising incidents while working at a site or talking to citizens?

"Thank you"s are becoming few and far between. Those occasions are now funny and surprising! 

What do you do for hobbies/fun?

My family and I like to camp, swim, boat, and fish. We are very active in our local community sports and associations.