Do you or your maintenance staff need funding to develop an idea to improve your sign maintenance and installation process? Or maybe you’ve come up with an idea for a new tool for controlling roadside vegetation or a design for a more effective work-zone safety product. Whatever it is, we want to hear about it!
Your proposed research project should focus on the timely development of relevant ideas or methods that improve transportation or maintenance operations. Our goal is to collect and disseminate homegrown, innovative solutions to the everyday challenges our transportation workforce faces on the job.
Proposal Submission Instructions
OPERA funding is limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Please send completed proposals (in Word or PDF format) to Katherine Stanley at Minnesota LTAP at sell0146@umn.edu. If you are unable to submit via email, please mail or fax (see form for details).
Application forms:
Only Minnesota cities and counties are eligible to receive OPERA funding.
Project Review Process
The Local OPERA Program selection committee is composed of one city engineer, one county engineer, a representative from the MnDOT Maintenance Operations Group, and a representative from MnDOT State Aid for Local Transportation Groups.
The Local OPERA Program funds projects up to $20,000. OPERA-funded project supporters/champions are encouraged to leverage dollars and seek out support from other sources, including cities, counties, suppliers, or manufacturers.
Project Funding Details
Projects are funded in two parts. The local agency is immediately eligible for reimbursement of purchases up to 80 percent of the total approved project cost. The remaining 20 percent will be paid upon submission of a final report.
Project Examples
Winter Maintenance
- Deicing and anti-icing methods, equipment, and materials
- Salt storage handling
- Snow fence (blowing snow) systems
Road and Bridge Maintenance
- Pavement resurfacing options
- Road striping performance and measurements
- Bridge paint removal and handling
Roadside Maintenance
- Roadside vegetation management
- Roadside sign maintenance
- Erosion control methods
Work-Zone and Employee Safety
- Work-zone safety products
- Field test and evaluation of other work-zone safety projects
- Work-zone safety procedures
Maintenance Management
- Maintenance management systems
- Equipment management systems
- Equipment tracking systems