Roads Scholars: Meet Andrew Rousslange

How do Roads Scholars get their start, and what inspires them to go the extra mile? MnLTAP is pleased to share the journeys of recent graduates. In this issue we meet Andrew Rousslange, street/park supervisor with the City of Melrose, who earned a Maintenance Operations and Technical Certificate

How did you get interested in public works?

Public works runs in my family—my father worked for the county and my grandfather was a supervisor at the city.

How does the Roads Scholar certificate help you in your current job and career plans?

It gives me a better understanding of the job—the ins and outs of the vast operation that is public works.

What’s a typical day like?

Daily checks, locates, emails, meetings, helping my crew accomplish the current tasks.

What is your favorite accomplishment?

Moving to the supervisor position—people noticing my potential.

What can other people learn from your path?

Take pride in the work you do, never stop learning, stay humble, and respect your team.

What makes you feel proud at the end of the day?

Knowing I am making the city a better place. Leaving my mark for the future—whether it is something major like a street project or as simple as planting a tree in the park, it is very rewarding.

How has your job changed over the years?

[It] has become more technology-driven.

What do you do for hobbies/fun?

Playing amateur baseball, deer hunting.