This online course was designed to assist culvert designers in efficiently and consistently developing public waters culvert projects to address fish passage requirements while designing for aquatic organism passage (AOP) and stream connectivity.
The training uses and expands on content from the 2019 Minnesota Guide for Stream Connectivity and Aquatic Organism Passage Through Culverts (PDF).
- Register
- Cost: Free!
- Registration contact: mnltap@umn.edu
Learning Objectives
- Understand ecological basis for AOP/stream connectivity culvert design
- Recognize regulatory situations where fish passage through culverts is required
- Learn best practices for stream connectivity and AOP and why these practices are beneficial
- Understand stream, landscape, and other factors that may favor a certain type of culvert design over others for a given situation
- Learn basic stream crossing field data collection parameters and techniques
- Understand how to use field data to improve culvert design
- Recognize benefits of culvert designs for stream connectivity and AOP and costs/problems that are associated with underperforming culvert designs
- Apply lessons learned from training to road crossing projects
Who Should Take This Course
Culvert designers, hydraulic engineers, hydraulic inspectors, watershed district staff, regulatory staff, and anyone interested in developing public waters culvert projects with respect to AOP and stream connectivity.
Course Instructors
- Jessica Kozarek, Research Associate and Outdoor StreamLab Manager, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota
- Christian Lenhart, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering, University of Minnesota
- Matt Hernick, Associate Engineer, St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota
Accessing the Course
This training is offered via the course management system Canvas. Upon completing your online registration, you will receive an email confirmation. To access the course, please visit Canvas and login with your University of Minnesota internet ID and password. Once you have been enrolled, your course will appear on your Canvas dashboard.
If for any reason you do not have access to the course after enrolling, please contact mnltap@umn.edu for assistance.
Technical Requirements
Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer work best for this course.
If you’re new to Canvas, see tips and resources for using the platform.
More Information
For more information on workshop content, contact Matt Hernick at hern0122@umn.edu. For registration or technical questions, contact mnltap@umn.edu.
This workshop is sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Research Implementation Program and facilitated by Minnesota LTAP at the University of Minnesota.