A Guide to Preventing Work Zone Intrusions: Best Practices for Mitigating, Controlling and Minimizing the Effects of Work Zone Intrusions (OSHA Roadway Work Zone Alliance, 2024)
This guidance document provides a set of coordinated transportation management strategies and describes how they might be used to manage the work zone during roadway construction projects.
Do's and Don'ts of Flagging (Todd Morrison, 2022)
This short handout, developed by ATSSA flagging instructor Todd Morrison, highlights some key do's and don'ts for flaggers to keep in mind while working in construction zones.
How to Identify Vehicles (MnDOT, 2020)
Five-page tutorial to help flaggers report work-zone traffic violators
Temporary Traffic Control Zone Layouts Field Manual (MnDOT, 2018)
This online edition contains typical traffic control layouts that all state, county and city roadway operations staff should use. The following supplemental guidebooks are also avaialble:
- Preventing the Spread of Infectious Diseases on Highway Work Zones (American Road & Transportation Builders Association, 2020, 7:37)
- Flagging Operations and Procedures (MnDOT, 2014)
More Information
The Minnesota LTAP librarian can help you find and obtain LTAP and CTS publications and research, as well as transportation-related materials from other libraries and databases. Please email

Work-Zone Safety Training Program
MnLTAP's work-zone safety training program, upgraded in early 2024, includes in-person and online training opportunities designed to improve work-zone safety for local agency staff at all levels.
Select Websites
- Minnesota Local Road Research Board
(Please go to the LRRB website and use the search tool to find resources about this topic.) - MnDOT Work Zone
- FHWA Work Zone Safety and Mobility Program
- National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
These pre-constructed searches can help you find current resources on this topic.