Select Publications
A team of human resource experts from the University of Minnesota investigated and analyzed agencies’ practices in hiring and workplace culture. The work culminated in a variety of recommendations to enhance the recruitment process and increase on-the-job satisfaction:
- Final Report: Workforce Planning and Human Resource Development Strategies for Minnesota’s Public Transportation Agencies (MnDOT and LRRB, 2021)
- Fact Sheet: Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Minnesota's Public Transportation Employees (MnDOT and LRRB, 2021)
Identify, Train, Place: A Playbook to Build Tomorrow's Highway Construction Workforce (FHWA, 2021)
MnDOT developed three knowledge books that preserve the expertise of departing engineers with over 100 years of combined experience in key topic areas. This summary details the effort:
- Knowledge Books Preserve Expertise of Retiring Workers (MnDOT, 2020)
Select Websites
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