Vegetation Management

Select Publications

Long-Term Vegetation Management Strategies for Roadsides and Roadside Appurtenances (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2023)

Minnesota Noxious Weeds (MnDOT, updated 2023)

Best Practices Handbook on Roadside Vegetation Management (Minnesota Local Research Board, Minnesota LTAP, MnDOT, 2008)
This handbook provides guidelines for effective management of roadside vegetation for local agencies, and highlights seven best management practices that were identified through research, surveys, and discussion with industry experts.

The Road to a Thoughtful Street Tree Master Plan (PDF) 
(LRRB, 2008)
This manual will assist communities and planners to not only select the best trees for their available planting sites, but to use specific principles of street tree design to most effectively create public green spaces, positively affect traffic patterns, and create healthy living spaces.

Vegetation Control for Safety: A Guide for Local Highway and Street Maintenance Personnel (Federal Highway Administration, 2008)
The purpose of this guide is to help local road agency maintenance workers identify locations where vegetation control is needed to improve traffic and pedestrian safety, to provide guidance for maintenance crews, and to make them aware of safe ways to mow, cut brush and otherwise control roadside vegetation.

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Wildflowers grow on the side of a road, with pine trees in the background.

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