Select Publications
Highway Safety Behavioral Strategies for Rural and Tribal Areas: A Guide (BTSCRP Research Report 8, TRB, 2023)
Highway Safety Behavioral Strategies for Rural Areas (BTSCRP Web-Only Document 4, TRB, 2023)
Guidelines for Determining Speed Limits on Municipal Roadways (LRRB, 2023)
Addressing Citizen Requests for Traffic Safety Concerns (PDF) (LRRB, 2017)
A new LRRB guidebook provides local agency staff with a best practice approach to addressing common citizen requests for traffic safety concerns (e.g., signing and pavement markings).
Intersection Safety Technologies, Quick Reference Guide (MnDOT/LRRB, 2016)
Local Elected Officials: Leading the Way in Local Road Safety (FHWA Office of Safety, 2015)
A video and accompanying brochure provide an overview of the important role local elected officials play in improving road safety.
Communicating About Local Road Safety with Local Elected Officials (FHWA Office of Safety, 2015)
A video and accompanying brochure provide tips to local agency practitioners about how to talk about road safety with local elected officials.
Complete Streets from Policy to Project: The Planning and Implementation of Complete Streets at Multiple Scales (MnDOT/LRRB, 2013)
FHWA Safety Edge Resources
Resources on the Safety Edge, a beveled or sloped pavement edge that replaces vertical pavement-edge drop-offs with a 30-degree slope during the paving process.
Minnesota's Best Practices and Policies for Safety Strategies on Highways and Local Roads (PDF) (LRRB, MnDOT, LTAP, CH2MHill, 2011)
This handbook aims to reduce the number of severe crashes on the state’s highway system by helping agencies design, operate, and maintain their systems of roads and highways. A spinoff from the ongoing County Road Safety Plan efforts, this resource contains traffic safety strategies, sample policies and best practices information to support agencies as they implement their own policies.
Minnesota's Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Annual plan that describes how Minnesota will use the federal funding supplied by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration/U.S. Department of Transportation under the State and Community Highway Safety Program. The plan also includes descriptions of related state and other federal programs conducted by the OTS.

- Local Elected Officials: Leading the Way in Local Road Safety (FHWA, 2015)
- Communicating About Local Road Safety with Local Elected Officials (FHWA, 2015)
- Rumble Strips: Noise Difference from Traditional vs. Sinusoidal (MnDOT, 2014, 0:57)
Select Websites
- Minnesota Local Road Research Board
(Please go to the LRRB website and use the search tool to find resources about this topic.) - MnDOT Traffic Engineering
- MnDOT State Aid Traffic Safety
- Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Office of Traffic Safety
- Minnesota Toward Zero Deaths
- FHWA Office of Safety
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- AAA Foundation for Highway Safety
- Roadway Safety Foundation
- Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
These pre-constructed searches can help you find current resources on this topic.
More Information
The Minnesota LTAP librarian can help you find and obtain LTAP and CTS publications and research, as well as transportation-related materials from other libraries and databases. Please email