Low-Volume and Gravel Roads

Select Publications

Best Practices for Dust Control in Minnesota (LRRB, 2024)
The Minnesota LRRB has produced a guidebook and supplementary materials focused on dust control on gravel roads. The guidebook includes an investigation of environmental, health, and corrosion concerns related to dust and dust control suppressants and updates previous LRRB reports on dust control.

Guide to Converting Distressed Low-Volume Paved Roads to Unpaved Roads (LRRB, 2020)
The Minnesota LRRB has produced a report, guidebook, technical summary, webinar, and presentation on this topic.

Gravel Road Management Tool (LRRB, 2019)
The Minnesota LRRB developed a spreadsheet tool to help local agencies manage their gravel road systems, such as tracking maintenance data, construction data, and costs.

Optimal RAP Content for Minnesota Gravel Roads 
(MnDOT/LRRB, 2019)
This report concluded that the optimal RAP content for unpaved road surfaces changes according to the properties of the materials used, testing methods, and site conditions.

Investigating the Necessity and Prioritizing Pavement Markings on Low-Volume Roads 
(MnDOT, 2018)
This project developed a prioritization approach and spreadsheet tool to assist local agencies in better understanding the value, cost, and need for markings along their roadways to make the best use of available budgets.

Converting Paved Roads to Unpaved (TRB, 2016)
This report, NCHRP Synthesis 485, explores how common and under what conditions paved roads are converted to unpaved.

Gravel Roads Construction and Maintenance Guide 
(FHWA and South Dakota Local Technical Assistance Program, 2015)
A comprehensive manual that addresses most issues that deal with gravel road maintenance. It is designed for local agency officials, managers, and grader operators who are responsible for designing and maintaining gravel surfaced roads.


A gravel road stretches into the distance.

Select Websites

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More Information

The Minnesota LTAP librarian can help you find and obtain LTAP and CTS publications and research, as well as transportation-related materials from other libraries and databases. Please email ctslib@umn.edu.