Select Publications
Resilience in Transportation Planning, Engineering, Management, Policy, and Administration (TRB, 2018)
This report, NCHRP Synthesis 527, documents resilience efforts and how they are organized, understood, and implemented within transportation agencies’ core functions and services.
Emergency Relief Manual (Federal Highway Administration, 2013)
This manual covers procedures applicable to the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Emergency Relief (ER) program for Federal-aid highways. It is a guide for FHWA, State, and local transportation agency personnel for requesting, obtaining and administering ER funds.
Emergency Management Director’s Handbook
(Minnesota Department of Public Safety)
Essential information for Minnesota emergency managers; it replaces the printed handbook. It is updated on a regular basis.
Floodplain Management and Flooding
(Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources)
The Floodplain Management Unit oversees the administration of the State Floodplain Management Program by promoting and ensuring sound land use development in floodplain areas in order to promote the health and safety of the public, minimize loss of life, and reduce economic losses caused by flood damages.
Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
During a flood and its aftermath, know how protect your personal health and safety. In winter and early spring, it is especially important to understand the health threats associated with exposure to cold weather and cold water.
Emergency Relief Program Overview (MnDOT, Nov. 2019, 13:58)

Select Websites
- Minnesota Local Road Research Board
(Please go to the LRRB website and use the search tool to find resources about this topic.) - MnDOT State Aid Flood and Disaster Relief
- FHWA Emergency Relief Program
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
These pre-constructed searches can help you find current resources on this topic.
More information
The Minnesota LTAP librarian can help you find and obtain LTAP and CTS publications and research, as well as transportation-related materials from other libraries and databases. Please email