Select Publications
Guidance for Separated/Buffered Bike Lanes with Delineators (MnDOT and LRRB, 2021)
Bicycle Facility Implementation - Quick Reference Guide
(LRRB, 2020)
Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crosswalk: Quick Reference Guide
(2020, PDF)
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Risk and Equity: Implications for Street Improvement Projects (2019)
Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection Manual (MnDOT, 2017)
Pedestrian Crossings: Uncontrolled Locations Guidebook
(2014, PDF)
This guidebook is designed to help agencies evaluate uncontrolled pedestrian crossings and determine appropriate treatment options using an 11-step evaluation procedure. Companion data collection worksheets (XLSX) can also assist in decision making.
Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares: A Context Sensitive Approach (Institute of Transportation Engineers)
- Recreational Trail Preventive Maintenance
(MnDOT and LRRB, 2010, 5:31)

Select Websites
- Minnesota Local Road Research Board
(Please go to the LRRB website and use the search tool to find resources about this topic.) - MnDOT Bicycling
- MnDOT Pedestrian
- FHWA’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Program
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Bicycle site
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
These pre-constructed searches can help you find current resources on this topic.
More Information
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