NRRA launches second phase; workshops on YouTube

National Road Research Alliance (NRRA)

The first phase of the National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) has concluded and the second phase begins this month. Many meetings and webinars from 2020 were recorded and are available on the NRRA YouTube channel.

The NRRA is a pooled fund administered by MnDOT with the goal to improve the future sustainability of our roads through research and a commitment to cooperative implementation. The alliance sponsors research at the MnROAD test track.

Phase II, which will run through 2025, has two primary objectives:

  • Improving long-term sustainability of our national pavement system through the design and use of innovative recycling methods with a variety of materials and construction methods.
  • Studying and promoting intelligent construction technologies that will increase construction efficiency, enhance pavement performance, and improve construction site safety.

Information about 2021 NRRA workshops will be available on the alliance website.

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