Burcham sandbagger improves efficiency, safety

Below is an innovation from MnDOT’s Maintenance Operations Research (MOR) program.

male worker filling bag with sand using sandbagger machine
Photo: Sandbagstore.com

Project description

District 2 has some of the worst flooding in the state due to its flat landscape, insufficient infrastructure, and soil type. In the past, MnDOT has not been able to make sandbags with any type of efficiency. The Burcham Sandbagger Pro is the only sandbag-filling machine that fills the sandbag and sews it shut.


The purpose of the Burcham sandbagging machine is to replace the making of sandbags by hand, which causes injuries and overexertion. The Burcham Sandbagger Pro will eliminate virtually all of the risk related to making sandbags.

Test procedure

The Burcham Sandbagger Pro was evaluated for 12 months for labor-related cost savings and improved quality. The district also evaluated the machine for safety improvements by eliminating overexertion.


The district compared filling sandbags by hand to using the Burcham Sandbagger Pro. It found that the Burcham sandbagging machine saved on labor—the time to fill bags fell by 75 percent. Quality improved because the sewn-shut bags kept the sand where it was needed. Safety also improved because the sandbagging machine was set so that bags were lifted from waist height, which resulted in less bending.


The district recommends both statewide and districtwide implementation for any areas that use sandbags to assist with keeping signs up or to protect property from flood waters.

Danny Hoeper
MnDOT D2/Warren
Project cost
MOR – $14,077
District – $2,320