Safety was the number one concern for the Town of Breckenridge, Colorado, when it was time to start thinking about a new sign maintenance truck. The old truck was equipped with a mechanic’s box and high sides that made it difficult to load and unload traffic control devices from the truck. In addition, work crews would often stand on top of the mechanic’s box to reach school-zone control cabinets and to install high signs, such as street name signs. Town officials knew this was not safe and began seeking staff feedback and researching more efficient vehicles to help carry out sign maintenance activities.
Their solution for a new truck included designing one side of the truck bed to fold down for easier loading and unloading of traffic control devices. They added a work platform with safety bar for activities that involved working with height, and they selected a new toolbox for improved organization in the truck bed.
They also built steps onto the back of the truck for easier access to the truck bed. Town officials say the $600 spent on additions to the new truck saved money because they made the improvements themselves. They say the cost savings ensured the safety of their staff and improved the efficiency of delivering the town’s sign maintenance program.
(Reprinted from the 2020 FHWA Build a Better Mousetrap booklet.)
Learn more:
Scott Davis, Streets Assistant Manager, 970-453‐3361, scottd@townofbreckenridge.com