New MnLTAP instructors added to the team

Please welcome four new additions to the MnLTAP instructor team as we grow our staff. More individuals are still being hired; see job openings

photograph of Matt Wessling, PT MnLTAP instructor
Matt Wessling
photograph of Chris Hanson, PT MnLTAP instructor
Chris Hanson
Mike Eveslage
Mike Eveslage

LTAP’s new training and technical assistance instructor, Mike Eveslage, started on December 16. Eveslage has a background in K-12 teaching and collegiate coaching and administration and most recently worked for his family trucking company in Freeport, Minnesota. He is also the four-term (recently re-elected) mayor of Freeport.

In addition to Eveslage’s full-time position, LTAP has hired three new part-time instructors:

  • Curt Anderson has more than 25 years of transportation experience and is currently the Scott County right-of-way administrator.
  • Chris Hanson is an experienced transportation safety trainer and firefighter for the Kasota Fire Department.
  • Matt Wessling currently works for MnDOT on a variety of transportation-related training, including for work-zone safety and flagging.

MnLTAP is excited to have these new staff members and we look forward to their courses!