Are you the “MacGyver” type? Do you come up with creative, resourceful solutions to on-the-job challenges that improve safety and efficiency at your organization—but have problems coming up with the budget dollars to implement your ideas?
Your agency can get up to $20,000 to develop and implement your idea through the Local Operational Research Assistance Program (OPERA). OPERA funds projects that are intended to improve transportation or maintenance operations and, ultimately, encourage a safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation network.
Don’t delay! Time is running out for this year’s funding. Apply now by submitting your proposal before the June 30 deadline.
Funding amounts vary based on proposal, but awards can be up to $20,000 per project. Visit OPERA for eligibility requirements, submission instructions, and dozens of examples of successful completed projects.
OPERA is funded by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board and administered by the Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program (MnLTAP).