In September, Jacqueline Bass joined the Center for Transportation Studies, which houses MnLTAP, as a program editor following the departure of long-time senior editor Pam Snopl. Jacqueline is no stranger to the University of Minnesota or transportation, having previously served as communications manager with the U’s Parking and Transportation Services.
Below, she shares more about herself as she takes on the role of MnLTAP editor. Welcome, Jacqueline!
Where did you grow up?
To say I moved around a lot is an understatement. I went to five different elementary schools, due to my dad’s job transfers. I was born in Beloit, Wisconsin (near the Illinois border), but I spent my middle and high school years in Dodgeville, Wisconsin (close to Madison).
What did you study in school?
My degree from St. Cloud State University (SCSU) is in mass communications with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in creative writing. Those programs were among the factors that drew me to SCSU and Minnesota.
What was your most unusual job?
In high school, my first job was working as a tour guide at the House on the Rock in Wisconsin. It’s an eclectic “museum” of wonders, including the world’s largest carousel, a replica display of the Crown Jewels, rooms of musical displays that overstimulate the brain, and the Infinity Room—a hall-like sunroom that extends out over the valley where you can look down to the treetops below.
What is your favorite career accomplishment so far?
Prior to joining CTS, I worked at the U’s Parking and Transportation Services (PTS). When we brought Zipcar to campus, it was also the first car-sharing program in the Twin Cities. As a member of the launch planning committee, I worked on the grand opening event, where we brought a professional ice sculptor to the front plaza of Coffman Union. He carved a life-sized car out of blocks of ice that was visually amazing! I worked with the news media and our communities to spread the word widely. Our grand opening was a huge success with a ton of media coverage that helped bring awareness to campus and the metro area. The event jump started the new car-sharing program, which continued to grow in membership and usage.
What is your funniest U-related memory?
Well, it starts with the collapse of the Metrodome due to heavy snow in December 2010. The Minnesota Vikings were in negotiations with the U of M to use the Gopher stadium on campus. So many details needed to be worked out, including logistical planning for transportation and parking. The director of PTS was attending one of those meetings when he asked me as communications manager to join. As it was well into Minnesota winter, I wore my coat to the meeting—a Green Bay Packers puffy starter jacket! I walked into the meeting to find it filled with Minnesota Vikings representatives. I half-expected a joke to be thrown at me, but no one made a single comment. Professionalism over rivalry, I guess!
What excites you about working at the U of M?
I love the energy and enthusiasm of the students and the dedication and passion of the staff.
What are you looking forward to the most in your new role?
One of my favorite classes from my college days was an elective—the History of Aviation. I’m excited to help develop communications around our AirTAP program, which is similar to LTAP, but for Minnesota’s extensive small-airport network.
What do you do for fun?
I love to go to local taprooms that offer free group trivia nights, often themed like Marvel, Disney, 80s, 90s, and pop music. My best night was Twilight-themed movie trivia! I also have fun playing bingo and pull tabs in local restaurants, bars, and at charity events. Those can be themed, too—I’ve done purse bingo, yeti bingo, gun bingo, vacation bingo and, the always good, cash bingo. I won my current Michael Kors purse in Rogers and $500 cash in Oakdale! But my guilty pleasure is reading romance novels.