Evaluation of Lane Reduction and Late Merge Signing (FHWA, July 2023)
Evaluates the effectiveness of different static late merge signing for use on arterials.
Crosswalk Marking Selection Guide (FHWA, August 2023)
Synthesizes research and guidance on the safety, cost, and effectiveness of crosswalk marking patterns and makes recommendations for crosswalk marking selection and application.
Development of Crash Modification Factors for Bicycle Treatments at Intersections (FHWA, August 2023)
Finds that having separated bicycle lanes and providing a mixing zone between bicyclists and motor vehicles at intersection approaches was associated with a reduction in crashes.
Best Practices for Construction Site Stormwater Treatment Using Flocculants (Auburn University, September 2023)
Explores practical methods to enhance guidance for proper selection, use, and application of flocculants in construction stormwater management.
Traffic Safety Evaluation of Pedestrians and Bicyclists at Roundabouts in Minnesota (MnDOT, October 2023)
Finds that roundabouts are an effective safety treatment for pedestrian and bicycle crashes.
Research and Findings on Roundabouts and Innovative Intersections for High-Speed and Rural Locations (Texas A&M Institute, October 2023)
Investigates the operational and safety benefits of modern roundabouts and selected innovative intersection designs for high-speed locations, as well as best practices for designing these intersections.
Evaluation of Net-free Erosion Control Blankets (Illinois Center for Transportation, November 2023)
Shows that water absorption played a big role in enhancing the performance of erosion control blankets.
Driver Comprehension of Flashing Yellow Arrows (MnDOT, December 2023)
Assesses drivers’ understanding of flashing yellow arrow signal indications and if the presence or absence of “Left Turn Yield” signs affect gap acceptance.