Effectiveness of Contrast Markings on Roadways and Orange Markings in Work Zones (Joint Transportation Research Program, Oct. 2023)
Suggests that contrast pavement markings decrease lane-departure crashes up to 44 percent and that orange markings reduce speed 4 mph in work zones and lead to a 74 percent reduction in lane-departure crashes.
Helical Pile Foundation Guide for Bridge Structures (Iowa State University, Oct. 2023)
Provides bridge engineers and designers with direction and specifications for helical pile foundation implementation, which can be advantageous for low-volume roads where budgetary considerations tend to be a specific priority.
Traffic Safety for All Road Users: A Paired Comparison Study of Small & Mid-sized U.S. Cities with High/Low Bicycling Rates (Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research, Dec. 2023)
Investigates 14 small and mid-sized cities across the US and confirms that higher-bicycling cities are significantly associated with better overall road safety outcomes.
Autonomous Shuttle Implementation and Best Practices (Mineta Transportation Institute, Dec. 2023)
Proposes a set of recommended best practices for deploying autonomous shuttles based on the insights from multiple case studies and the perceptions of practitioners and industry experts.
Evaluation of Otta Seal Surfacing for Low-Volume Roads in Iowa, Phase II Study (Iowa State University, Dec. 2023)
Evaluates more than 50 Otta seal sites constructed since 2017 and finds that the lowest cost was associated with Otta seal designed using the modified McLeod method.
NCHRP Research Report 1087: Guide for Intersection Control Evaluation (TRB, Jan. 2024)
Defines intersection form as the physical layout of the intersection and intersection control as the traffic control device used to govern movements for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists.
Innovative Pothole Repair Materials and Techniques Volume I: Asphalt Pavement (New Jersey DOT, Jan. 2024)
Aims to identify and evaluate innovative tools, technologies, and materials for pothole repair.
Proven Safety Countermeasures in Rural Communities (FHWA, Feb. 2024)
Identifies 28 proven safety countermeasures to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on roads nationwide.
Complete Streets — Safety Analysis (FHWA and VHB, Feb. 2024)
Identifies and describes current capabilities, best practices, and future data and analysis needs for quantifying the safety performance effects of multiple safety treatments that agencies implement simultaneously during the conversion of typical streets to Complete Streets.
Investigating Bicyclist Safety Perceptions and Behaviors at Roundabouts (Mountain-Plains Consortium, March 2024)
Finds that US bicyclists prefer roundabouts with smaller central islands, fewer travel lanes, lower traffic volumes, lower speed limits, and separated bicycle lanes.
Regional Rural Transportation Planning and the Role of the Rural Planning Organizations (University of Illinois at Chicago, March 2024)
Explores existing coordination methods and rural planning organization practices in other states, including a survey with rural planning managers from state DOTs.
NCHRP Synthesis 623: Wintertime Pavement Maintenance Practices (TRB, Apr. 2024)
Documents the current state DOT practices for the reactive pavement maintenance performed during the winter months when flexible and rigid pavements must be repaired to keep the roadway system fully operational.
Traffic Safety Evaluation of Pedestrians and Bicyclists at Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons in Minnesota (MnDOT, Apr. 2024)
Finds that installation of both types of beacons resulted in decreases in bicyclist and pedestrian crashes.