September 2023 Exchange: The Shelf

Minnesota LTAP partners with the MnDOT Library to operate a state-of-the-art service that can help you track down almost any resource from Minnesota or beyond. Questions? Contact Marilee Tuite, Minnesota LTAP librarian, 612-626-8753,

Residential Local Street Sidewalk Survey
Institute of Transportation Engineers, March 2023
Provides results for an extensive survey on residential local street sidewalks.

Workforce Development and Driver Shortages in Small Urban and Rural Transit
Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, March 2023
Describes results of a survey of small urban and rural transit managers to determine current workforce development practices.

Guidelines for Determining Speed Limits on Municipal Roadways
MnDOT and Local Road Research Board, April 2023
Examines the effectiveness of speed limit changes and outlines a process for agencies to follow when deciding to make a change, and offers alternative strategies for pedestrian and bicycle safety.

Bike Runnels – Improving Access for Cyclists and All Users at Stairways
Institute of Transportation Engineers, April 2023
Provides tips about material, size, and position of bicycle runnels as well as case study examples.

Drainage 101 County Roadways, City Streets and Drainageways: Best Practices and Resources Guide
MnDOT and Local Road Research Board, April 2023
Provides quick access to information needed to solve drainage problems and discover legal solutions to recurring drainage issues.

Best Complete Streets Policies 2023
Smart Growth America, May 2023
Lists the 10 strongest Complete Streets policies passed between 2019 and 2022 and describes the 100-point scale using a standardized set of ten elements.

NCHRP Research Report 1043: Guide for Roundabouts
Transportation Research Board, June 2023
Provides information and guidance on all aspects of roundabouts.

NCHRP Web-Only Document 362: Pollinator Habitat Conservation Along Roadways, Volume 5: Great Lakes
Transportation Research Board, June 2023
Provides relevant guidance to rights-of-way owners and operators for roadside vegetation management practices that support pollinators, as well as strategies that are compliant with the federal Endangered Species Act.

NCHRP Research Report 1068: Right-Turn-on-Red Site Considerations and Capacity Analysis: Practitioner's Guide
Transportation Research Board, June 2023
Presents guidance on when to prohibit right turn-on-red at a given intersection.

Urban Electric Mobility Toolkit
USDOT, June 2023
Serves as a one-stop resource.