Educational guide to help agencies meet project deadlines

Contractors failing to meet deadlines is a common problem for agencies. A new LRRB resource offers guidance on contract language and processes that can improve the likelihood of delivering a construction project on time.

Man signing contract

The guide reviews current industry standards for contracts such as time determination, type, and contract disputes and claims. It also offers practical ways to mitigate potential project delays during the construction and design phases of a project. For example:

  • Early material procurement—If agencies know specific materials require long lead times, they can procure the materials before advertising the construction project.
  • Improved utility coordination—Designers need to meet with affected utility companies and fully understand the effort for proposed relocations. Once a contract has been awarded, the prime contractor needs to get involved in these discussions so all parties can understand their role in the process and the effort required to keep the project on schedule.

Another section helps readers understand and administer liquidated damages. Of the contractors surveyed for the project, 78 percent believe local agencies take a different approach to the assessment of liquidated damages, and it would be beneficial to all parties if expectations were more consistent.

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