Roadside barrier controls vegetation

Vegetation controller
Photo: Municipality of Hormigueros, PR

The Municipality of Hormigueros is a tropical environment with rainfall greater than 80 inches per year. This leads to vegetation on the medians to grow excessively, requiring lots of maintenance. The outgrown vegetation is a safety hazard for drivers that affects their normal driving behavior. On highways with speeds of 40–45 miles per hour, the typical vegetation removal process required seven workers on the dangerous highway.

To keep up with the maintenance of the median vegetation growth, the crew created a blade out of materials from the municipality’s workshop. The sharp blade, welded to the side of the digger’s bucket, is able to cut the vegetation that grows adjacent to the medians. Now, staff can keep up the overgrown vegetation quickly with the bucket digger.

The process of median vegetation maintenance was simplified using only four workers, freeing up the time of three workers to focus on other roadway issues. Cutting the vegetation is now quicker and safer for the crew and for the drivers on the road. For no cost to create, the municipality can ensure the safety of its roadways and drivers.

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