Has your agency used ‘Expanding the Transportation Workforce’ tools?

Civil Engineers in the field

In 2021, MnLTAP led the creation of tools to help expand the transportation workforce and fill open positions. The set of tools includes a training roadmap, a recruitment toolkit, a community outreach and communication guide, and a career brochure. We’d love to know if and how your agency has used the tools—and what your needs are moving forward.

The Expanding the Transportation Workforce (ETW) project, sponsored by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB), aimed to help local transportation agencies tackle the growing workforce shortage. The tools take a two-pronged approach—some help local agencies recruit, train, and retain workers in the short term, while others help promote career opportunities to students and feed the longer-term worker pipeline:

  • Training Roadmap for Civil Engineering Technicians (XLSX)
  • Recruitment Toolkit for Local Agencies (PDF)
  • Community Outreach and Communication Guide (PDF)
  • Local Agency Careers in Minnesota (PDF)

The focus of a new LRRB-funded project is to expand the number of people applying for roadway maintenance jobs. Just underway, this project will include an awareness-building campaign and the development of another training roadmap—in this case, a checklist outlining suggested training courses that new maintenance hires should complete.

MnLTAP is seeking agencies that have been using the ETW tools. “As we expand the ETW products in the new project, we want to hear from agencies that have used the first set,” says Katherine Stanley, MnLTAP training and technical assistance manager and the project co-investigator. “We want to share your successes and use this feedback when developing the next products.” MnLTAP’s director, Stephanie Malinoff, is the principal investigator.

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