Award categories added to Minnesota Mousetrap Competition

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The Minnesota Build a Better Mousetrap Competition recognizes local transportation innovations by highlighting homegrown ideas, innovative gadgets, equipment modifications, and safety improvements. To further this mission, MnLTAP has created two award categories: the Pioneer Award and the Smart Transformation Award.

The Minnesota Pioneer Award will honor a locally relevant product/tool that is among the first to solve a maintenance problem with a homegrown solution.

The Minnesota Smart Transformation Award will recognize a locally relevant significant change in any transportation activity or process that is SMART—“Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound”—in nature and that results in improved efficiencies.

“We hope this change will spark a competitive spirit and inspire you to share your local innovations,” says Katherine Stanley, MnLTAP training and technical assistance manager.

Entries will still be judged using the criteria of cost savings, benefits to the community and/or agency, ingenuity, transferability to others, and effectiveness. Local OPERA Program projects that fall under these criteria can be or will be included in the competition. “We’ll pick a winner for each award, and both will be recognized in MnLTAP newsletters and receive a prize,” Stanley says.

All entries and OPERA projects are automatically submitted to the National Build a Better Mousetrap Program, where they compete with other projects from across the country. Winners are announced at the National LTAP & TTAP Association annual conference.

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