Evaluating the Performance and Safety Effectiveness of Roundabouts – An Update (Michigan DOT, June 2023)
Shows that roundabout geometry significantly affects speed selection behavior of drivers as they approach the yield line and also that roundabouts have significant operational and environmental benefits.
Rural Virtual Public Involvement: Synthesis and Tools (FHWA, June 2023)
Brings together the challenges of connecting with rural communities and implementing virtual tools under the shared umbrella of public involvement.
User-centered Smart Traffic Sign Development Study (MnDOT, June 2023)
Reports the results of a project to develop an automated intrusion detection system to alert drivers who are unsafely approaching or entering a flagger-controlled work zone.
Local Road Managers’ Safety Practices and Perceptions in North Dakota (13th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, July 2023)
Presents results of a survey of local county road managers in North Dakota to learn more about local traffic safety asset characteristics and management practices.
Low-Cost Pedestrian Safety Zones: An Eight-Step Handbook (NHTSA, July 2023)
Describes the process of developing and using low-cost pedestrian safety zones.
BTSCRP Research Report 8: Highway Safety Behavioral Strategies for Rural and Tribal Areas: A Guide (TRB, August 2023)
Details the Safe System Approach that addresses the high rates of roadway fatalities and serious injuries in rural and tribal settings.
A Guide for Traffic Safety Practitioners: Best Practices for Increasing Seat Belt Use in Rural Communities (NHTSA, August 2023)
Describes evidence-based and promising seat belt programs and includes examples of seat belt programs that have been successfully adapted for use in rural communities and other settings.
State and Local Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Vehicles (Government Accountability Office, August 2023)
Describes activities selected state DOTs and MPOs have taken related to estimating, analyzing the effects of transportation investments on, and using reduction targets for on-road greenhouse gas emissions.
NCHRP Research Report 1068: Right-Turn-on-Red Site Considerations and Capacity Analysis: Practitioner's Guide (TRB, September 2023)
Presents two methods for estimating right-turn-on-red volume and capacity, and a spreadsheet tool to facilitate the use of these methods.
TCRP Research Report 243: Transportation for People with Disabilities and Older Adults During COVID-19: Lessons for Emergency Response (TRB, October 2023)
Provides transportation organizations (including local government agencies) with helpful information and strategies on providing service for persons with disabilities and older adults in emergency situations.
NCHRP Research Report 1064: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Performance Functions (TRB, October 2023)
Helps develop pedestrian and bicycle safety performance functions for transportation practitioners at all levels.