MnDOT Preliminary Layout Geometric Design
1900 County Road I West
Shoreview, MN 55126
Day One: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Central
Day Two: 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Central
Day Three: 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Central
About the Event
This three-day class focuses on preliminary layout geometric design. Participants will draft preliminary layouts and demonstrate project-oriented geometric design concepts and operational and safety performance outcomes. Participants will also increase awareness of the layout submittal process, project documentation and guidance documents, MnDOT policies, and the Geometric Design Support Unit’s review and approval process. Class exercises will include interchange, RCUT, roundabout, downtown recon, and working within constraints.
At the class, participants will use design equations, charts, and resource manuals. Participants will sketch preliminary layouts and geometric design applications for highway preservation projects and for new highway construction projects. The curriculum features the following case examples:
- TH38 downtown reconstruction in Big Fork
- TH52 interchange in Hader
- Hwy. 371 RCUT corridor in Brainerd
- TH97 roundabout in Goodview/Forest Lake
- Working within constraints, Anoka Hwy. 10 at Thurston
If you are a MnDOT employee, please follow the following instructions to register:
- Obtain supervisory approval for your training request and travel time.
- Use your Office/District Training Registration Process.
- When your training request is approved, you will receive an email enrollment confirmation.
Other community participants should register online. Minnesota state aid cities and counties, government employees (including non-state aid counties and cities), and Tribal government participants are charged $200 per seat. All others are charged $900 per seat. Meals will be provided. Registration is limited, so early registration encouraged. A waitlist will be available once registration is full.
When you register, please identify any Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reasonable accommodation needs you may have. To help us best meet your request, please register early and give us advance notice (5–7 weeks if possible). Requests should be sent to
Standard refund requests are available before the class start date. No refunds will be issued after the class start date.
Who Should Attend
This class is for intermediate to advanced highway design practitioners and planners.
More Information
With questions about class content, contact Jamal Love with the MnDOT Geometrics Design Support Unit at For all other questions, contact Samantha Hahn-Douville with the Center for Transportation Studies at
This class is sponsored by the Minnesota Department of Transportation Office of Project Management Technical Support, Geometric Design Support Unit and hosted by the Center for Transportation Studies.