Minnesota’s Best Practices for Traffic Sign Maintenance and Management

Date and Location
Not currently scheduled.
About the Workshop
This workshop will provide an overview of the Minnesota’s Best Practices for Traffic Sign Maintenance/ Management Handbook, including the provisions of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MN MUTCD), a review of the alternative methods for sign maintenance, and an approach to developing a budget for sign maintenance. In addition, you’ll learn about a technique for reducing sign maintenance budgets that focuses on reducing the number of signs in an agency’s inventory (a pilot program along the township system in Stevens County achieved a 28 percent reduction). You’ll also review how to establish policies and procedures that help your agency maintain compliance with retroreflectivity requirements while also managing your risk.
Topics Covered
- Overview of MUTCD and sign retroreflectivity requirements
- Assessment, management, and maintenance methods
- Financial/budgeting
- Policy development
- Implementation
- Sign effectiveness
- Sign removal
Who Should Attend
This workshop is primarily intended for professional staff with both the responsibility and authority to manage the system of traffic signs along Minnesota’s state, county, city, and township system of roadways.
Course Instructor
Jon Jackels works at SRF Consulting Group and has more than 40 years of ITS and traffic engineering experience. He is actively involved in local, regional, and national associations, including the Minnesota County Engineering Association’s Traffic Safety Committee, the American Traffic Safety Services Association, the Institute of Traffic Engineers, and the FHWA’s ENTERPRISE Pooled Fund Study. He has presented at numerous conferences and served on many technical committees for research and project development.
- 1.0 Roads Scholar Program Maintenance Certificate credit.
- To the best of our knowledge, this course/activity meets the continuing education requirements for 6.0 PDHs as outlined in Minnesota Statute 326.107. Learn more about continuing education for professionals from the Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID.
This workshop is presented by Minnesota LTAP at the Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota. Minnesota LTAP is sponsored by the Minnesota Local Road Research Board (LRRB) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This course is subsidized through funding from LRRB and FHWA.